Ghana Meteorological Agency’s Seasonal Rainfall Forecast for the Major Rainy Seasons: March-April-May (MAM) And April-May-June (AMJ) for the South of Ghana, 2024
Ghana Meteorological Agency’s Seasonal Rainfall Forecast For the Major Rainy Seasons: March-April-May (MAM) And April-May-June (AMJ) For The South of Ghana, 2024
Summary: For the 2024 rainfall season, a late to normal Onset, mostly early cessation, with longer to normal dry spells are forecasted for the major rainfall season of the southern parts of Ghana. Generally, below normal to normal rainfall is forecasted for both MAM and AMJ over most places in the country, however, some areas in the southeastern parts of the country, especially the coastal and its inland areas will experience normal to above normal rainfall tendency for both the MAM and AMJ seasons. At the end of these forecasts, recommendations are made to the various stakeholders to help better minimize risks and maximize the opportunities that exist in the season.